The joints created by adhesives will disturb the flow of electricity as adhesives are natural insulators. Even if you use a conductive adhesive, the joints won’t be strong and may break when you bend the wires. So, there is a high chance that this might lead to short circuits. Soldering rectifies these issues and provides the most reliable and effective way to splice wires. The joints are strong and they do not disturb flow of current. Below, we have listed the step by step process of how to solder wires,

Step 1: Preparing your Wires

First, you will have to strip off the insulator that covers the wires. Then, twist the filaments of each wire tightly to make them orderly. If you want, you can add soldering resin to the wire filaments. When you are tinning the wires, the resin will help the solder flow smoothly.

Step 2: Tinning your Wires

Tinning is the process of melting the solder around the wires. In this, you have to use a soldering iron and melt the solder into the filaments. The process also helps in the distribution of heat evenly throughout the wire. You should not apply too much solder. Or else, it will make the wire firm. You want the wires to be flexible so that you can bend them while joining and splicing.

Step 3: Joining your Wires

Before you solder the wires, you have to wrap them around each other. The wrapping will ensure the wires remain intact. Here, the solder does not act as a glue that holds the two wires together. Rather, it helps in conducting electricity. You need to wrap the wires one around the other. Do it in such a way that the wraps do not overlay. The wraps should be adjacent and close to each other.

Step 4: Soldering the Splice

After wrapping the wires tightly around each other, use a soldering iron to heat the wrapped portion of the wires. The wires will melt and will get soldered together. The process will form a good solid joint. You can also apply some solder. The solder will fill the gaps and will increase the strength of the joint.

Safety Tips for Soldering Ways

No matter how experienced you are in soldering, you should never ignore the safety regulations. If anything, your experience should help you understand the importance of adhering to these safety standards. Below are the safety tips we highly recommend you follow while soldering the wires,

Wear eye protection and gloves before starting the process. Perform soldering on a well-ventilated area. Never touch the tip of the soldering iron. Turn off and unplug the soldering iron when not in use. Hold the wires using clamps. Keep a fire extinguisher and first aid kit ready. Replace everything in its original position after use.


As you have seen, the process of soldering wires is simple. First, you need to tin the wires, wrap them around each other, and solder the splices. Besides, be sure to follow our safety guidelines to have a safe soldering experience. If you have any other doubts or queries, you can contact us using the comments section. We will help you out. You can also post your thoughts and opinions in the comments box. Comment * Name * Email * Website


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