You can directly mail your zipper code to your friends who will get a shortlink, which when clicked will open your location and address on google map. Every Zippr card has a share, and message icon. You can mail, message, or share it through social media. Any zippr that you have received can be opened in any mobile browser, and by clicking the link “open in app.”

Zippr technology platform integrates with companies into Food delivery, logistics, e-commerce, transportation, and distribution systems. Zippr uses various mapping technologies eg Google Maps, Open Street maps and makes the location search easier by presenting the location and the route on a map. The App is still in beta stage and if the idea catches on, it could be the next fad to Zippr your address across various sharing and communicating platforms. If your professional or personal life requires you to share your address and location quite often, you can use Zippr personal location shortcode and save some time. You can also opt for premium Zippr which can be personalized to your name, or consist of letters and numbers of personal significance. You can download Zippr App for free from respective Android and Apple app stores.